Launch of the Global Plan

The Decade of Action and Global Plan was launched on 28 October 2021. This was an advocacy opportunity for NGOs and other civil society activists to push for governments to implement interventions aligned to the global plan to contribute to achieving the 50% reduction in road deaths and injuries by 2030.

Over 10 NGOs in Africa participated in the launch of the Global Plan as they utilized the opportunity to present the plan personally to key high-level decision makers and to track how they respond, pushing for SMART commitments toward the 2030 target, aligned to the global plan, and utilizing the opportunity to leverage momentum built during the UNGRSW for 30 km/h with speed as an intervention to achieve the 2030 target within the plan.

NGOs in Africa from Nigeria to Rwanda, and from Senegal to Uganda, targeted their relevant decision makers to organize a handover of the Global Plan in various ways including as part of the government’s launch of the Global Plan and/or Decade of Action, a ceremonial event where the NGO handed over the plan, or as part of a roundtable where commitments were discussed and/or announced.

For more updates on the activities of the Global Plan handover, click HERE.

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